Tax Return Service

1 post / 0 new Tax Return Service

Hi All,

I'm wondering whether the Tax Return Service on this site is being used by any of you?  If so, I have a question about the Land Price field as I've never had to supply that information to my French accountants (who I want to stop using as too expensive), and don't know why the field is mandatory given that so many leasebacks are apartments as is mine, so surely that doesn't apply.

I've never had to supply the property amortisation from the previous year either (another mandatory field), does anyone know how to calculate it?  As I've been using an online accountant, I haven't been receiving any of the forms mentioned on the Tax Return and so can't access that info.  Also can't access my personal space on (to see if the info is there) as it's not recognising my Numero Fiscal.  Does that change every year?

Any help appreciated.  Thanks.

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