Mortgage Redemption Question

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Mortgage Redemption Question

Hi, I am hoping some one can guide me or steer me here. I have 5 years left to run on my disasterous Lease back. I have a French mortgagewhich I took out to buy the property and I  and I want to pay it off now.  Can anyone  advise me on the process  ?  I have worked out how to pay  off with the French Bank(Credit Immobilier)  but what I dont undertand is what happens next .....are there deeds to the property as there are in my home country Ireland? Here when you redeem your mortgage the Bank will send you the deeds as their interest in the property is no more the debt to them has been paid.  Do I need to enlist the servicews of a legal rep or Notary etc,. ect. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks 


In France you are the owner in full right of the property from day one. The French Notary public whom organised the signing will hold the original deeds, the bank (if mortgage) will get a copy of the mortgage deeds. And you would have been given a full copy of the deeds. If you don't have it you need to contact the Notary but to answer your question: Once the mortgage is paid off, the bank will send you a certificate confirming payment but they do not have the Full deeds so they won't send them to you. You will not have to engage Notary or legal services when paying off the mortgage just make sure you get the certificate.

Just contact the Notary for a copy of the deeds but you may have them already. 




Thanks a mill thats great. will have  a look at my documentation to see if I have something that reembel the Deeds.So if I choose to sell my propertty at some poin in the future I will need the deeds and this certificate that the bank should issue me with following the redemption payment.

Even if you can't find deeds, the original notaire will have copy so you can get them when ready to complete sale. You just need notaire contact details.

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