Taxes Foncieres

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Taxes Foncieres

What is the practical result for a non-resident owner who fails to pay the Taxes Fonciere in the situation where legal action alleging fraud/mis-selling is underway (but tediously slow); the owner has absolutely no interest in retaining long term ownership of the property after all that has gone on etc. ?. 

Will re-possession by the tax authorities happen speedily or slowly or at all ?.  Will the financial institution (that is being sued) object  to this etc etc. Does French Revenue have many (or any) powers to seek repayment abroad.  It would seem to my reading that Tax Authorities are specifically excluded from taking an EEO (European Enforcemenet Order)  in the case of monies "deemed owed to it".  

Any views or experiences would be appreciated. 



Dont have specific info but know a small bit re bank repossessions. May not apply to you but if mortgage in arrears then bank could issue a commandement-de-payer and at end of process, property would be sold at special court sitting. Google encheres immobilieres for more info. If bills owed to syndicat de co-prop then that would be paid by court but unsure re service d'impots (tax).

Price property is sold at may not cover debt but lots of other forum thread with info on that subject. Hope everything works out for you.


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