VAT rebate problems in Tarn

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VAT rebate problems in Tarn


our villa in Les Cammaze (Dept Tarn) is just complete and the developer just before xmas has told us that there may be problems with the VAT rebate.

As this was just before xmas i did'nt have time to get into this in detail but obviously am worried. He says it is an issue with local government but this is all the details I have at the moment.

Has anyone else encountered this before in Tarn or anywhere else in France? Any direction would be much appreciated, I would like like to get stuck into this in the new year.

We have just received the managment contracts.



You are dealing with french managing companie which is a swendler.
You must try to cancel your purchase since the contract is not what you have signed for. The vendor is responsible for this situation. If he is in england you must lodge a complaint. sh
Good luck

try to contact the local government (tresorerie des impots) and your scrivener. If you have an account, see with them. If you also signed a contract with Eurefi or and Gefi, contact them as soon as possible.

Who is your managing company/gestionnaire? Who is your developer?

Have you yet signed the managment contract? Have you completely paid for the villa?

Hi srunner,

thanks for the reply. we will do what you suggest.

developer and managment company is dutch company Pierse Elliot.

have not signed managment contract yet or completely paid for the villa.

Dear Alan

Thanks for the information. So I would advice you to avoid signing anything and to cancel everything.

Your managment company is also the developer as far as I know both are Pierce & Elliott Vacances, which has mandated Sogebat in France to build villa and chalets. I only know it because not so long ago (mid-July & August) some information about this company Pierce & Elliott Immobilier also called Pierce & Elliott Vacances, has been disclosed on the news in France! The company is building some villa and chalets in Tarn and have "employed" Polish builders (more than 50) without any working permit and were not paying them over more than 3 months. The manager of the company has been arrested and has to pay a fine to the French Government. No clue if he paid it or not.

I found on the web that "L’homme en est à sa quatrième faillite, note Michel Raffin. Vu qu’il ne payait pas les taxes aux administrations ni les salaires légaux à ses employés, il pouvait casser les prix et empocher les appels d’offres de donneurs d’ordre pas très regardants."

As FrenchOwner wrote, the managment company seems to be a real crook. Please google the name of your company and you will find for sure some interesting information.

Try to find the financial situation of the company and any document to back up your cancellation.

It is better to cancel everything now rather than signing everything and be trapped in and not be able to move or contract out.

I've done a quick check on ""

Renseignements juridiques

Autre hébergement touristique - 552E

Siège social
Avenue Guy Drut - 66140 CANET EN ROUSSILLON


Forme juridique

Forme juridique

Commentaire BEIC :

<?:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><?:namespace prefix = x ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" />Bitmap
SARL : responsabilité des associés limitée à leur apport au capital, minimum de deux associés, pas de capital minimum, publication des comptes obligatoire.


Société à responsabilité limitée

Capital social
200.000,00 EURO


Age de l'entreprise

Commentaire BEIC :


L'entreprise de création récente présente peu d'antécédents en matière

d'analyse financière.

Les critères d'appréciation porteront donc sur d'autres éléments comme les

moyens corporels et financiers investis dans la création, le capital social

de départ, la compétence professionnelle des dirigeants, le soutien des

partenaires financiers, l'origine du fonds de commerce....

Recommandations :

vérifier si l'entreprise existe physiquement à l'adresse du siège social ou s'il s'agit d'une domiciliation commerciale



M. SINT Peter

Dépôt légal

Formation de société

Expédition acte notarié

Certificat de dépot des fonds


Dépôt légal, dirigeants

Commentaire BEIC :

Le changement des mandataires sociaux de l'entreprise peut remettre en cause sa gestion. Il faut alors reconsidérer le risque en intégrant les nouveaux arrivants et leurs antécédents (à noter que les commissaires aux comptes sont considérés comme organes de gestion).

Nomination/démission des organes de gestion

PV d'Assemblée


Again srunner, thanks for your help.

On what grounds do you think it would be possible to cancel ?



mantogne (non vérifié)

Hi Alan

What was the final outcome ?

Did you buy and get your VAT refund ?

Are you getting you rent paid on time ?