Mangement Company

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Mangement Company

Hi, it seems from reading the posts that the management company is a most crucial element in the future success of the leaseback. Could anyone advise if they have experence of dealing with the Clinipole/Elior Group who will be managing a leaseback we are interested in in Palavas sur Flot?

Many thanks.


I had a look at the programme. the leaseback contract seems to be for a duration of 20 years, with 6 weeks of owner occupation per year. Is it correct? If so it is really long! The managment company needs to be really solid and have a lot of assets (prooven)

Try to find out further information on the managment company before buying. I could not find anything on the web, at the exception of the programme (in Pallavas). Under the website (a legal website where you can find most of the French companies legally registered in France), there is nothing for Clinipole / Elior. However 2 companies are registered under Clinipole (a restaurant, and a holding with several activities in various sectors). Find out where the company is registered and then you will be able to check its assets.

Prices are quite high (304,000 e for 40 sq m) ...

The builder is a local company. I would advice you to contact the notary . It seems to be Mr Perrien. Ask him questions about the contract and the managment company. Contact the vendor and ask him/her questions as well. For me it is a really long leaseback contract.

Second advice: post a message on the forum called cbanque ( People might be able to help you.

Thanks very much for your help.

To SRunner Groupie

I notice with interest your link to the societe website however my French is not so good. Could you look at the management company details below

About Us
Legal Information

Rcs Draguignan
489 699 272

N° de gestion
2006 B 00223

552 E

489 699 272 000 14

TVA intracommunautaire
FR 424 89 699 272

SARL au capital de
100 000 €

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RCS Draguignan B 489 699 272

headquarters located on Route de Draguignan - 83440 TOURRETTES

Social assets: 100.000,00 EURO

It is a SARL : limited, registered on 21-04-2006

Manager: M. LION Jean-Claude

They have done a lot of changes over the past 24 months...

Cath: do you own a flat in Les Clos de Tourrettes ? Do you have any trouble with this managment company?